Connie's Comments

Incisive observations on political, cultural, and spiritual topics, based on personal commitment to accuracy and honesty.
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Monday, December 11, 2006
WHAT Morals? WHAT Family Values?

by Connie Cook Smith


Now that the Bush administration is more outgoing than ongoing, their facade of "morals" and "family values" is cracking. Their blithe acceptance of Mary Cheney's lesbian pregnancy and no censures in the Mark Foley scandal give additional credence to David Kuo's claims about hypocritical White House attitudes, such as "evangelicals are goofy." The administration's much-touted concern about conventional morality has apparently been a charade.

In fact, some of these characters are downright kinky. I'm all for gay rights, but unlike Dick Cheney's wife, I never fantasized about lesbian love and published a novel about it, such as her book, "Sisters." I've believed that homosexuality is nature, not nurture. But ya gotta wonder what influence Mrs. Cheney had on 11-year-old daughter Mary when she published this poor prose in 1981: "The women who embraced in the wagon were Adam and Eve crossing a dark cathedral stage -- no, Eve and Eve, loving one another as they truly were."

Then there's Dick Cheney's former right-hand-man, Scooter Libby. Under indictment now in the Valerie Plame affair and once a key policy player, he published an absolutely sickening novel in 1996 entitled, "The Apprentice." According to quotes in literary reviews, it features obsessive descriptions of pedophilia, incest, and bestiality. You can only wonder if Libby has the mind of a sexual predator.

Meanwhile, the guy who opposed these people in 2000 and won the popular vote, Al Gore, published a visionary and articulate manual about a sustainable future for our children, "Earth in the Balance." His current movie, "An Inconvenient Truth," offers the same genuine concern for our people and our planet.

In all future elections, Americans ought to really look into the people they're supporting, instead of just jumping on a "values" bandwagon and not noticing the tires were flat to begin with.

Connie Cook Smith

Monday, December 04, 2006

by Connie Cook Smith


"Bobby," the movie out now about the 1968 assassination of RFK, is introducing a new generation to values we've nearly forgotten: ensuring peace instead of insisting on war, protecting the middle class instead of destroying it, holding corporations accountable instead of putting profits above all.

The Kennedy's (and Dr. Martin Luther King, even John Lennon) were flawed human beings, but they were earnest workers for humanity. What a different world we would have now if they were not eliminated. The recent election indicates the desire to revive lost hope. But why has it gotten so bad?

In the reality of who wins and who loses in highest-stakes US politics, the evidence is that the bad guys killed the good guys again and again over the decades, which enabled the bad guys to entrench deeply into positions of power. I think this is the short version why our country is so messed up and so sad, and why people are so demoralized and so shallow.

We have too much of a trivial-minded nation of sports-aholics and shop-aholics, instead of enough of a country of intelligent and caring citizens. At this time in our history, the bad guys and their assassinations have prevailed.

Of course they set up " a lone gunman" story in nearly every case. And their puppets ferociously ridicule all who demonstrate that the "loners" often had direct connections to the people in power.

But the genuine investigative reporters who discover these direct connections get fired from their jobs. Some have been killed, such as prize-winning journalist Gary Webb in 2004. The authorities claim he committed suicide by somehow shooting himself twice in the head.

So we haven't been able to read the facts in the newspapers about those in power who are directly connected to the assassinations. And "documentaries" that wipe out legitimate suspicion with false computer graphics and disinformative data are regularly fed to the public like poisoned treats.

Fortunately it's all becoming more visible, especially regarding how bad the winners can be: No qualms about torturing others to death, no qualms about invading and destroying other countries, no qualms about outlawing our constitutional protections such as habeas corpus.

Thanks to that, to the Military Commissions Act signed in October, this means that you and I can now be thrown in jail on trumped-up charges and denied a lawyer for as long as King George likes. No rights! If this is acceptable to any Americans, I don't see how they have the nerve to call themselves Americans. This is fascism and dictatorship -- far worse than anything Al Qaeda can do to us.

Too many Americans are being every bit as compliant with evil as were German citizens in the 1930's. How did that happen? As Dr. King pointed out, "Remember, everything Hitler did was legal." Every atrocity he committed had been signed into law, like the draconian bills in America over the past 6 years.

Concurrently with the "Bobby" movie, there is a video and written report that are getting around the Internet. Thoroughly researched for three years and now being broadcast at England's BBC2, the photos and evidence reveal that three men who were connected to the covert Bay of Pigs operations in the early '60's were on the scene in 1968 at the Ambassador Hotel when RFK was killed.

It's so simple to connect these dots. Certain American corporate leaders and politicians and gangsters wanted Castro eliminated, not just because he was communist -- that was emphasized mainly to rile up the rest of us -- but because Castro had seized Pepsi and other corporations, as well as off-shore drilling rigs, and the Mafia's casinos and brothels. Cuba has been a turf-battle for power and profits, more than an ideological clash.

To make it even more simple, consider that Nixon was on the board at Pepsi, George H.W. Bush ran Zapata Off-Shore drilling rigs, the Mafia ran the others. When JFK stopped the Cuba invasion from succeeding, did he not infuriate -- among others -- Nixon and Bush Sr and the mob? They had a lot at stake there.

JFK also enraged the Joint Chiefs. In 1962 they officially proposed to hijack and blow up American airliners, blame the deaths on Castro, and thus justify an invasion of Cuba -- thereby pumping up the Pentagon budget, enriching armament corporations, and ensuring military careers. You can look it up under "Operation Northwoods." But JFK stopped that scheme, too.

The bottom line here, as far as a specific power-struggle is concerned, is that the Bush dynasty and the Kennedy dynasty were rising at the same time in history. Not knowing in the 1930's that Hitler would go quite so bonkers, both Joseph Kennedy and Prescott Bush had backed that horse financially -- had literally bankrolled and money-laundered for Adolf HIter -- congressional records prove it. Wall Street was looking for big profits in Germany's post-World-War-One recovery, and it looked like Adolf was their boy.

But after World War Two, the Kennedy clan and the Bush clan headed in opposite directions. The Kennedy's saw the light between 1962 and 1968 and opted to openly enforce equal rights. But the Bush family clung to the racial supremacy ideas that Hitler had championed, which many elite American families also supported.

On September 4, 1969, George H.W. Bush and the two "race scientists" he sponsored are in the Congressional Record arguing for birth control programs for African-Americans -- because "they are down-breeding the quality of the U.S. population." Martin Luther King had been eliminated the year before.

Add to that, Richard Nixon was a nervous nobody until Prescott Bush and fellows grooomed and funded him to an unusually rapid rise as U.S. Vice-President. But what happened? JFK beat out this Bush-boy for President in 1960. Then when Kennedy thwarted corporate profits and military expansion in Cuba, and was about to do the same in Vietnam, he ended up dead. And when another Kennedy was about to beat Nixon again in 1968, that Kennedy, too, ended up dead -- along with others who have opposed the corporate-military agenda.

Then it's not much of a stretch to consider this: Just as the Joint Chiefs were quite serious about hijacking and blowing up American airliners in the 1960's and blaming another -- to goad Americans into the war and invasion they wanted -- why not give it a try in 2001? This time, there was no Kennedy to stop it. This time, there was in place the Bush faction, which the records show have always supported such clandestine operations.

And we are left to ponder the fact that President Eisenhower actually warned us about the military-industrial complex taking over our nation. I would say they have largely done so. It is most astonishing that some Americans actually support this fascism which is destroying our values, our soldiers' lives, and our planet.

Nearly dead along with all the gunned-down humanitarians are indeed the values that Americans should be representing and benefiting from, and which the current movie stunningly reminds us of: avoiding war, affirming equality, and putting people before profits.

It's time to understand FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover's dramatic statement: "The individual seeking the truth is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous, he convinces himself that it could not possibly exist."

Monstrous, indeed. But only when we accept this truth, can we stop the real evil-doers and restore our humane, constitutional ideals.

Connie Cook Smith

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

by Connie Cook Smith


COSTA MESA, California (AP) -- Student leaders at a community college voted to drop the Pledge of Allegiance after a tense meeting...

Board member Jason Ball argued that the pledge inspires nationalism, violates the separation between church and state... and is irrelevant to the business of student government. (link below)


I personally look back on the countless times as a youngster when I dutifully rose and recited the Pledge. The robotic way we always went about this made me eventually feel as though I were participating in some compulsive superstition instead of a constructive expression.

Like "step on a crack, break your mother's back." By 4th grade I was so tired of avoiding cracks in the sidewalk on the way to and from school that I decided to hell with it, I was going to step on cracks (or pay no attention to them), and truly hope that my mom's back didn't get broken.

Well, she did have some back troubles in her later years, but I don't think it was my fault.

My point is, even though I was an avid reader from Day 1and I knew that the USA was at very least one of the luckiest places on earth to live, deserving full appreciation, the Pledge never inspired that feeling in me. The Pledge was always a mindless group ritual, and that's something which makes me feel very uncomfortable, very compromised.

Later on when I saw historic film clips of Nazi Germany, with their nationalistic gestures and their oaths and flag-waving, I wondered, well why do WE do those things, too? Apparently, somebody in charge in the US had some thoughts about that -- because prior to the nazi emergence of the Hitler salute, that extended-arm gesture is exactly what Americans originally did while reciting the Pledge! When Germany co-opted it or copied it or whatever they did as Hitler rose, Americans were suddenly instructed to put their hands over their hearts instead.

That reminds me of a minor argument with a classmate about exactly where the heart is, because, after all -- you not only must do this thing, you must do it right! Even as a child, I began to feel this is childish.

In my adulthood, I discovered that the very year I started first grade and got indoctrinated in this, 1954, Congress had just legislated that "under God" would be added to it, from now on. As a writer, I was incensed that ANYBODY had presumed the right to alter an author's work!

And the irony is that Frank Bellamy, who wrote it in 1892, was a Baptist minister -- but even he knew it was not appropriate to have a political sentiment be a mandatory public prayer.

Just look at the simplicity and elegance of his original words: "I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." The fear of God just isn't there and should not be.

Further, Dr. John Baer writes that Bellamy considered placing the word, "equality," in his Pledge, but he knew that his commemorative committee members were against equality for women and African Americans.

Well, isn't THAT special! Not only was "God" not supposed to be there, but equality was not allowed there! What a FARCE all this is.

And I think this is what all the arguments are about, with the college students wanting to drop it and the courts ruling this way and that way. There are many thinking Americans who feel there's something very wrong with the whole thing.

And indeed, because "God" in it overrides one's freedom to be religious or not, objectors risk being labeled "atheist" even if they are not, and being castigated as "unpatriotic" if they don't want to give their minds and bodies and power of speech over to a robotic ritual.

No one should feel compelled to submit to group-think in the United States of America. And the flag is a SYMBOL of freedom, it is not freedom itself. How utterly incomprehensible when people love a flag -- but despise the person who wants to be free!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

by Connie Cook Smith

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The problem is, not enough people know that the U.S. government is deeply infiltrated by people who want to destroy the Constitution and end American freedom.
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I know there is tremendous resistance to looking at the now-overwhelming evidence that our government planned and carried out 9/11. But once you see how infiltrated our government is -- by those who are truly contemptuous of freedom and democracy -- then it becomes easy to comprehend that "our government" is indeed the culprit behind 9/11.

And that framing "Muslim fundamentalists" for that horrendous crime is just a ploy to make us feel hatred and fear, to get us to wage-war-on (conquer) the Middle East, and to make us support creeping dictatorship at home.

This outright evil plan certainly has been working. And the millions who don't know about all this are still believing it is "patriotic" to support our government and the administration. But this un-informed attitude is responsible for endangering, and possibly ending, our beloved United States of America.

If you think about it, a subtle takeover of our country, over time, makes sense. No outside nation or inside group will attempt an open and all-out conquest of the USA. The wrath and might of our military (and our citizenry!) would squelch that, in no time flat.

No. Those who desire to own and control our nation have taken the long-term view. They have planned well, and moved in stealth and deception in order to achieve their unholy goals -- even if it has meant not grasping all the spoils until the next generation, or even the next.

They find it gratifying enough, along the way, to enjoy their progress and their power. They find it sickly satisfying to be a part of the plan that makes their arrogance win, and makes America lose.

If you look up things and read documentation -- if you wonder why the world is like it is and so you do something about it by hunting down the facts -- then you readily discover mountains of evidence that sabotage of our country has been going on right under our noses.

Worse, this sabotage is committed by people we've been taught to trust. And our trusting them --our belief in their rhetoric about "American ideals" over the decades, our enjoyment of the image-personalities they project -- is exactly how their plan is succeeding.

It is also how they bizarrely justify that we deserve to be taken over. We are obviously "gullible and foolish" and therefore we don't deserve to have the privileges of this nation. Only they do, as "superior ones." And they actually believe they prove their superiority by getting away with deep deception, for a long time now.

From my point of view, such criminals are demonstrating their depravity, proving their inferiority as human beings. But as long as millions of us support them and even cheer them on, we are weaving an ever-tightening noose around our own necks. And they are emboldened to mock us and advance the schemes against us behind closed doors.

It all goes back further than this, but consider William A. Dodd's published words from 1937. Before we went into WWII against Germany, Dodd was the U.S. ambassador in Berlin.

He wrote: "A clique of U.S. industrialists is hell-bent to bring a fascist state to supplant our democratic government, and is working closely with the fascist regimes in Germany and Italy. I have had plenty of opportunity in my post in Berlin to witness how close some of our American ruling families are to the Nazi regime. They extended financial aid to help fascism occupy the seat of power, and they are helping to keep it there."

The truth of this came out when Congress seized the assets of Union Banking Corporation in 1942. We finally had gone to war against Hitler, but since the mid-1920's, this New York bank had been instrumental in funding Adolf's guns, uniforms, pro-Nazi literature -- even providing aviation fuel technology to fly Nazi planes.

Some of our soldiers eventually were killed by arms and other materiel that came from these bankers, because -- to put it simply -- these wealthy American movers and shakers were gung-ho supporters of Aryan "superiority," and corporate (not democratic) rule.

So who exactly were these bankers/backers of evil? George Herbert Walker was the UBC bank president. And his son-in-law Prescott Bush served on the board of directors from 1934-1943. E. Roland Harriman and W. Averell Harriman also were involved in the day-to-day business of building up Nazi Germany.

If these names sound familiar, it's because they are "some of our American ruling families" that Ambassador Dodd alluded to long ago, who have since then prospered more than ever. And please note that they are both Republicans AND Democrats. Their supposed loyalty to a political party is equally as deceptive as their supposed loyalty to American ideals.

There are too many other "ruling families" to list here, who have continued on as closeted enemies of the U.S. Constitution. You can find them, though, under "eugenics history in the U.S." There have been many American industrial and political leaders who believe in "racial purity and superiority," such as Hitler did. "All men are created equal" is a total joke to them.

And look up "Project Paper Clip," the post-WWII importation of Nazi officers to this country. These men were behind most of the anti-Communist hysteria in the 1950's -- and were instrumental in certain U.S. presidential campaigns since then.

Not to pick on the Bush family, because there are so many others in the American elite who have a history of duplicity -- but since Bushes are penultimately powerful and prominent in our nation, you need to know the truth about them. You CAN handle the truth!

Consider statements by George Bush Sr, who apparently carried on Prescott's, his father's, pro-nazi mentality. Representative Bush is in print in the September 4, 1969 Congressional Record with a proposal to bribe African-Americans to become sterilized because, in his words, blacks are "down-breeding the quality of the U.S. population."

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was shot and killed only the year before -- just as other anti-corporate-power, anti-elite champions such as JFK, RFK, and even John Lennon -- were eliminated.

As to that, are you aware that Lennon's shooter, and Ronald Reagan's shooter four months later, attended the same "Christian Camp," and knew each other? Do you know that this "charity" camp was established by the man who tried but failed to nominate Bush Sr for president in 1980?

The pro-corporate politicos did NOT want the more free-market Reagan to be president. When Reagan made it, he soon found himself an assassination target, too.

Reagan was shot by the son of John Hinckley Sr. It was Hinckley Sr who tried to nominate Bush over Reagan in 1980. It was Hinckley Sr who established the "Christian Camp" (World Vision) where Lennon's shooter and Reagan's shooter were apparently brainwashed to kill, both using cues from "A Catcher in the Rye."

Are you aware on the day after Reagan's shooting, John Chancellor announced on the news that George Bush's son Neil had a dinner-date scheduled with Reagan's shooter's brother, Scott Hinckley? Were the Bushes and the Hinckleys planning that get-together to celebrate the death of Ronald Reagan, and the elevation of Vice-President Bush to the presidency?

Are you aware that the current president's brother Marvin Bush had electronic security contracts on the World Trade Center "up until the day the buildings fell down"?

Are you aware that Bush Sr's brother Jonathan Bush was on the board of Riggs Bank, which has been linked to terrorist money-laundering -- another Bush bank, down through the generations, funding causes like nazism then, and terrorism now?

Would all this -- and there's so much more -- explain Bush Sr's remark to reporter Sarah McLendon: "Yeah, Sarah, if people find out what we've done, they'll chase us down the street and lynch us" -- spoken with a charming smile and a smirk, like all the Bushes.

What I'm getting to here is THIS is how September 11th really happened. We've been diminished and demoralized and nearly destroyed by these people many times before. And they did it again in 2001.

Just think: President Bush Jr uncertainly sitting in a school and waiting for instructions after being told "America is under attack," instead of leaping up as anyone else would do and BEING commander-in-chief. The Secret Service standing around and not even pretending to protect the president or evacuate the children, because (ho-hum) the attacks were scheduled for New York and Washington, not Florida.

Our Air Force, which had instantly intercepted 67 other planes in distress that year, were scrambled too late only on 9/11 -- and even were sent in the wrong direction out over the ocean, when they finally got airborne.

Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta testified that Dick Cheney on 9/11 refused to change the "do not intercept" orders, and as a result, the attack on the Pentagon succeeded.

Are you aware that Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney were White House Chief of Staff and Deputy Chief of Staff in the 1970's? And at that same time George Bush Sr was made head of CIA? 30 years ago these guys were in charge!

Richard Nixon -- who was funded and practically created by Prescott Bush and banker buddies in the 1950's -- had been taken down in the '70's because he was no longer serving their purposes, and Gerald Ford was installed in Nixon's place.

And of course, Gerald Ford was the guy on the Warren Commission who meticulously excluded all testimony about shots at JFK from many different directions. Further, Ford admits he changed the wording about a shot to Kennedy's back "by several inches," to being a shot to Kennedy's neck.

Ford's alteration-on-record of forensic evidence makes all the difference between the reality of multiple, professional, hired hitmen -- and the nonsense of "Oswald acted alone." As a reward, I suppose, Congressman Ford was made president when Nixon failed, Bush was made CIA director -- in position to destroy critical records -- and Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney were placed high in the White House, oh so long ago.

Bush Sr went on to become president and Cheney and Rumsfeld continued in various top offices of power, even alternating as Secretary of Defense. On 9/11 they were in key positions -- Cheney in the White House and Rumsfeld in the Pentagon -- to see that the United States' multi-billion-dollar defense establishment utterly failed to protect the American people.

And meanwhile, Bush Sr's whelp, George Dubya -- a sissy-pants Yale cheerleader, National Guard cop-out, and Skull & Bones go-along (their logo is the same as the insignia on Nazi officers' caps) -- Dubya continually struggles as Supreme-Court-appointed and faulty-Diebold-machines-created president. And shows up with facial bruises sometimes when he doesn't do a good job.

ALL THIS is how 9/11 really happened. We've been set up, folks, for quite a long time -- by conscience-less men and women who earnestly feel superior to the rest of us, who talk up "freedom and democracy" in public and laugh out loud at it behind closed doors, and who are hell-bent on reducing the Constitution to shreds -- especially with the horrific "Patriot Act" -- in order to ruthlessly rule over us "inferior ones."

A year before September 11th, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Jeb Bush and others even brazenly wrote up a Project for a New American Century document that calls for "a new Pearl Harbor" -- in order to madly mobilize the American people around hatred for and conquest of the Middle East abroad, and submission to unconstitutional surveillance, searches, and seizures at home.

Dubya has joked that a dictatorship would be easier, "as long as I'm the dictator" --but he means it! Karl Rove is on record as admiring a stadium full of American flag-wavers because "it looks just like a Nazi rally" -- and he means it!

But once you know that today's terrorists are financed by "America's ruling families" -- as Hitler was financed by them -- as JFK and other pro-democracy leaders were eliminated by them -- then you realize that September 11th was indeed an inside job, because the insiders are traitors. And you realize that the "war on terror" is really a war on the American people -- which has been conducted by these traitors, using various slogans and covert methods, for a very long time.

It's urgent now to support and vote ONLY for political candidates who support 9/11 Truth. It's time to toss out the 9/11 Cover-Up Commission Report and launch a genuine investigation. It's time to send these long-term scoundrels to prison, take back our country -- and start all over in genuine freedom and peace.

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Tuesday, August 01, 2006
(I'm backtracking now and adding this May, 2006 commentary on America's shameful history with Iran, since Bush continues to beat the drums of war against it. Published in the Canton IL Daily Ledger.)

"What America Needs to Know"

by Connie Cook Smith

There are continuing and escalating indications that Mr. Bush might blame something on Iran, and then use our soldiers to expand his illegal and deadly occupation of the Middle East.

History acknowledges that the Shah's rule of Iran was authoritarian -- more specifically, it was brutal -- and that led to the Islamic Revolution. But seldom is it mentioned that it was America who installed this dictator, the Shah. And that this is what caused the Iranian people to rise up against us and take our 52 hostages in 1979.

Iran had a healthy democracy in 1953. Just imagine how democracy might have peacefully spread throughout the Middle East all those years ago, if we'd let it be! But Iran's democratically elected leader Mosaddeq offended U.S. oil corporations and their powerful families. Mosaddeq thought his nation's oil profits should go to the Iranian people, not to U.S. and British interests.

So in the first of many such shocking dirty tricks over the rest of the 20th century, our country spearheaded a covert operation in Iran to take down Mosaddeq -- by paying people to start riots against him, etc. -- our tax dollars at work!

And thus it was: the legitimate leader of Iran was destroyed. The Shah (and his torture tactics) were literally enthroned. The Iranians lost their oil revenues. Thousands who resisted gruesomely lost their lives. And democracy in the Middle East died.

If those people DO hate us, is it any wonder?

The astute reader here may put 2 and 2 together and ponder whether the same situation is going on in Venezuela, due to its enormous oil reserves. The democratically elected leader Hugo Chavez suddenly did go down in 2002. But just as suddenly, he was able to overturn the coup against him -- simply because he EXPECTED a secretive and dirty pattern of interference, which well-informed people everywhere have come to know.

Here are only two books which document numerous covert and tragic U.S. interventions, featuring the facts that clearly explain why America's flag is more despised than beloved around the world: "Killing Hope, U.S. Interventions Since WWII," by former State Department agent William Blum, and "Overthrow, America's Century of Regime Change," by NY Times Bureau Chief Stephen Kinzer.

What we need to come to terms with is that many of the shady characters involved in these plots to oppress and rob other countries are the same people who have risen to the top of our political spectrum now -- Republicans AND Democrats whom I regard as equally corrupt.

I caution my fellow Americans: if it hasn't begun to dawn on you how bad they are, I think you need to be prepared for terrible shocks. These guys don't hesitate to harm humanity to get what they want -- and that includes terrorizing the citizenry of this nation.

By that I mean, evidence is building to a volcano-velocity that September 11th could not have happened to the most militarily advanced nation in the world -- unless high-ups in our government allowed the numerous warnings and every layer of defense to fail.

And for what purpose? To whip us into a fury against "those Muslim fundamentalists who did it," which in turn justifies an OPEN occupation and robbery of their lands.

The time is rapidly coming when Americans comprehend the evidence that Mohammed Atta and gang were drinking, drugging, womanizers who had no interest in Allah or Islam. And that genuine Muslim believers would never stage a one-day attack on mighty America. All it would do is cause us, "the infidel," to invade and occupy them -- the last thing they would ever want.

No, the long string of covert plots to overthrow other governments and exploit their resources took a breathtaking turn on September 11, 2001. Countless conferences, videos, and well-documented books now demonstrate that 9/11 was an OVERT (yet still deceptive) action by prominent Americans, who are old hands at trickery and treachery.

I sincerely hope we all pull together when the evidence explodes about how deeply we're being deceived into supporting death and destruction abroad, and impoverishment and oppression at home.

Friday, July 28, 2006
"What America Needs to Know"

by Connie Cook Smith

Americans are confused about the morality of modern-day Israel, because our churches and schools leave out essential Jewish history.

The European people who were sent to occupy Palestine as a Jewish homeland in 1948 are not related to the biblical Hebrews of Jesus' time. The Middle-Eastern Jews and Arabs both are semitic people, related by blood and culture, but separate in their Judaic and Islamic religions.

They may have had their little turf-scuffles throughout history, but those were no worse than ordinary squabbling neighbors.

That all changed when European Jewish people were shipped in after WWII for the purpose of occupying much of Palestine, and calling it Israel. These folks long ago came from Khazaria (southern Russia), where they converted to the Babylonian schools of Judaism in the 8th century. Their traditions are different from the Judean teachings in Jesus' world.

What we have in modern Israel, then, is an artificially created nation that is historically, genetically, and spiritually unconnected to biblical Israel or to Jesus.

Once this is known -- and churches and schools ought to be honest about it -- then it's much easier to understand what many world voices have long cried out: that modern Israelis from Europe in 1948 have no right to occupy and rule over Palestinian residents, whose lands and homes and families go back over a thousand years.

Modern Israelis have no legitimate connection to the land, to Judean traditions, or to Christ. And Christians who are properly informed, and who are ethical, need to join in the world outrage against the Israeli destruction of Lebanon and its people.

Hamas of Palestine and Hezbollah of Lebanon try to defend against Israel's agenda of taking over more and more territory. But this defense against aggression is mis-portrayed in America as "terrorism." The bad guys are good, and the good guys are bad!

Proof? For one thing, there is the Balfour Declaration of 1917, whereby Britain announced that Palestine must be given to the Jews. But wait -- they didn't mean the Jews that were already there -- they didn't mean the 20% of the Jewish population who are descended from Jesus' time and place.

They meant that Palestine should be given to representatives of the other 80% of the world's Jews, to those who were belated converts and have no historical connection with either the land of Israel or the Hebrews. Many were connected, however, to British/American banking and oil interests.

This movement, this plan, this policy, is called Zionism. It is not the Jewish religion. It is simply a strategy to use Jewish issues as a club to beat people over the head with and get a criminal occupation going in the Middle East -- by usurpers who have no right to be there.

So there was this open Zionist/Israel agenda, by that name even, in 1917. But haven't we all been told that the justification for taking Palestine from the Palestinians was the noble purpose of compensation for the horrors of the Holocaust? Then how is it the British plan for doing this, with America signing on, appeared nearly 30 years earlier?

The plan stated that the Palestinians whose specific lands were targeted would be treated justly, whenever the takeover could be engineered. But of course, the moment it actually occurred, the occupied ones found themselves ghetto-ized, disenfranchised, and grotesquely abused.

President Harry Truman was infuriated by this and angrily wrote in a letter to Eleanor Roosevelt: "I fear very much that the Jews are being like all underdogs. When they get on top, they are just as intolerant and cruel as the people were to them when they were underneath."

It would be absurd to label Truman's words as "anti-Semitic," just as it is absurd to label today's world-wide, anti-Israel sentiments as "anti-Semitic." The Israelis who rule there have no Semitic heritage whatsoever. They are European/British/American conquerors, not the small percentage of Judean Jews -- who are just as occupied as the Palestinians.

As an example, if a Middle-Eastern-descent Jew in Israel (the Sephardim minority) gets lucky, and marries into the European (Ashkenazim) majority -- that is, marries into the Jewish class that rules -- the couple is nevertheless demoted lower down on the housing waiting-lists. Housing priority is always given to the "pure couples," those who are both of European descent -- or European/British/American.

In case that doesn't give you Hitlerian chills, then maybe this will. The darker-skinned, original Jews are regarded as (the n-word) by the lighter skinned, often-blue-eyed Israeli ruling class. In a diary entry by President Truman, he addresses this again, more bluntly: "...yet when they have power, physical, financial, or political, neither Hitler nor Stalin has anything on them for cruelty to the new underdog."

And that's how conditions have been over there since the "glorious" creation of the State of Israel, with the American people bleeding out $3 billion in aid every year for Israel's "defense," and being fed daily hogwash about who's doing what to whom.

Even if it's true that Lebanon took two Israeli soldiers, nothing (except an unholy and deceptive agenda) justifies the brutal destruction of a whole country in return.

And for those who are manipulated into thinking all this is biblical and therefore meant to be by God, please note that's exactly what the occupation planners -- long before the Holocaust -- knew they could count on. And that is, bad people using good people to get what they want.

Please also recall that slavery and polygamy and other inhumane institutions, once vociferously defended by Bible-believers, are now understood as totally morally wrong.

It ought to be clear that in Israel and America, the scum on top of both ponds is ruining our whole world. They do want, and they are trying to ignite, an Armageddon so that a world dictatorship will be accepted to "solve the problems." And they are counting on those who believe in Armageddon -- just like those who believed in slavery and polygamy because they were biblical -- to help their evil plans along.

But whatever a person's religious beliefs, there should be no question that the brutality towards Lebanon is wrong, as the theft of Palestine has always been wrong. If we don't want to end up deeply ashamed and totally enslaved, we need to pull the plug, now, on the criminals running both America and Israel.

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Sunday, July 16, 2006
(For over a year I have been sidelined with my elderly mother's medical, property, legal, and other needs. I recently found time to research and write more about the previous topic, giving startling historical context to the Master Race ideology and intentions of the Bush Crime Family and well-known others. This was published in the Canton IL Daily Ledger on July 10, 2006.)

-- Bush Sr in off-hand comment to reporter: "Yeah, Sarah, if people find out what we've done, they'll chase us down the street and lynch us." --

by Connie Cook Smith

Thousands of researchers, authors, and activists already know it. Hundreds of former military and administration officials are proclaiming it. Numerous reputable scientists are demonstrating it.

At least two FBI agents tried to stop it. Another FBI employee claims that "certain elected officials will stand trial and go to prison" for it. Now it only remains for the American public to get a clue and get on board with it.

What is it? The overwhelming evidence that prominent American leaders, who have risen through our government for years and years, are the ones who masterminded the September 11th attacks -- to plunge us into fear and submission at home -- to enrage us into war and plunder abroad. And it worked.

It's not the first time. But it is the worst time. And I believe it is the duty and responsibility of every American with a brain and a heart to stop enabling our in-house terrorists. It was a BIG CLUE when Karl Rove was featured in a December 2001 Time Magazine article, looking on as thousands of flag-waving Americans wildly worshipped George Bush at Yankee Stadium, and remarked with smug satisfaction, "It looks just like a Nazi rally!"

Yes, it's common knowledge that before Nazi Germany was revealed as the hell-hole of evil it became, it was the "good Germans" who allowed it. It was the good citizens' fear and anger at their Reichstag parliament attack that enabled Adolf to lead them into oppression at home and aggression abroad.

Well-informed Americans KNOW that the Patriot Act is creating oppression at home, and that the Iraq war is not "democracy" but outright occupation abroad. And like the Reichstag fire, there is abundant evidence from reputable scientists and military and former administration officials -- now presented in frequent conferences all over the United States -- that the WTC and Pentagon attacks were inside jobs as well.

It's time to make a choice to be well-informed and responsible Americans, or to go along like "good Germans" and just flag-wave and cheer on George Bush. Like his minion Karl Rove, with total contempt for American values, Dubya has admitted he would like a dictatorship, "as long as I'm the dictator."

For a country that claims to be Christian, it is mystifying how blind we can be to the reality of Evil. An alarm should have gone off in everyone's mind when the monstrous BTK serial killer was revealed as a life-long nice guy who was his church president, was tender with his wife and children, and never passed up an opportunity to witness for Jesus Christ.

We have been given the clearest evidence that evil men and women do indeed exist, that their charm and their proclaimed values are totally phony, that good people are utterly deceived, and that behind these fakers' grins and smirks is the capacity for horrendous acts against one person, or against many.

I am NOT claiming the Bush family masterminded 9/11. I frankly don't think they are that bright. But they have a long history of going along with evil, of profiting from it, and enjoying it.

Their three-generation membership in Skull & Bones, for example -- that's not exactly the Rotary Club, is it? Their logo is the same as pirates, who enjoy looting and killing. Their logo is the same as the insignia on Nazi officers' caps, who enjoyed looting and killing. Their initiation ceremonies are homo-erotic romps in mud-filled coffins -- not exactly the "traditional values" of Dobson and Falwell, who have the outright gall to hypocritically support them.

It was a sign of how foolish Americans can be when the '04 Democratic nomination suddenly was swung over to John Kerry, who is also a Bonesman. The fix was in. Kerry has done some admirable things, but his Senate investigations always stop just short of exposing who and what we really need to know. Like the Bushes, he goes along to get along. And like them, he gets along quite well -- while the American people go progressively down the tubes.

How obtuse and careless can we be? It was reported in Newsweek and the Washington Post that Jonathan Bush, Dubya's uncle, was president and CEO of Riggs Investment Management Company in 2000, and that Riggs Bank was fined $25 million in 2004 for violating regulations that indicate terrorist money-laundering. But we don't get to see exactly what the investigation revealed, because the Bush administration classified it as "national security." More like "cover-Bushes-behinds' " security.

And verifiable facts were widely circulated on the Internet about Dubya's brother Marvin Bush and his electronic security company, which controlled security (or purposely lapsed it?) for one of the airlines that was hijacked -- AND was responsible for security at the World Trade Center -- "up until the day the buildings fell down" ! Hello! Here are the facts, at

Even though it was back in 1992, George Bush Sr's off-hand comment to reporter Sarah McClendon -- which, thankfully, she reported -- really makes sense. He said, "Yeah, Sarah, if they ever find out what we've done, they will chase us down the street and lynch us." Followed by the characteristic Bush-family smirk, and oh yes, nice-guy charm.

But this is consistent with the Bush family's false front on equality, democracy. As a House Representative, Bush Sr. is in the Congressional Record on September 4, 1969 -- barely a year after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated -- as saying that African-Americans are "down-breeding the quality of the U.S. population," and advocating a program of "voluntary sterilization."

And of course, THIS is consistent with his father Prescott Bush, and father-in-law George Herbert Walker, who got their wrists slapped by Congress in October of 1942, BECAUSE their Union Banking Corporation had been financing Nazi Germany for over a decade. I mean, really, where did a poor boy like Adolf get all those spiffy, terrifying uniforms, guns, aviation fuel, and more!
No less than the US Ambassador to Germany acknowledged this in 1937. In William E. Dodd's memoirs, he recalled his alarm:

"A clique of US industrialists is hell-bent to bring a fascist state to supplant our democratic government and is working closely with the fascist regime in Germany and Italy. I have had plenty of opportunity in my post in Berlin to witness how close some of our American ruling families are to the Nazi regime. They extended aid to help Fascism occupy the seat of power, and they are helping to keep it there."

It's just a fact, folks, that Bushes and DuPonts and Fords and Harrimans and Rockefellers and Morgans and many more illustrious American families have a long history of belief in their Master Race-like "inherent superiority," and they only spout slogans like "freedom and democracy" to get us to bleed and die in their profitable wars. Their children, like the Bush twins, don't serve. When Bush Sr. served, witnesses say he bailed out and let his crewmen die. (Chase him and lynch him, anyone? It was his idea.)

For more information on exactly who were/who are the internal enemies of America and humanity, there's a 1973 book that has become so rare (although it was widely available 20 years ago) that owners of it are offering it for as low as $200 and as high as $800: "The Plot to Seize the White House," by Jules Archer.

Miraculously, the entire book is preserved online. It's at 256 pages of it!

A History Channel program on it has been produced, although it sends mixed messages about the plot's authenticity, citing "rumors." (However, the plot is factually indisputable.)
The point is, those ruling families then are the ruling families of today, and with 9/11, they are up to their old tricks. It's time to wake up and smell the terrorists, people -- they are HERE.

"Muslim fundamentalists" would never do something to cause the mighty U.S. military to invade their lands! They've been set up -- just as bad as we have -- to suffer under a totally un-American, worldwide agenda, under which we're all ruled and wrecked by the "inherently superior."

In the U.S., their private ownership of our central bank -- deceptively named the "Federal" Reserve -- has practically accomplished our debt-slavery already.

It's time to read up, learn the truth, and find out what you can do about it. This one website can lead you to all the rest. Left-hand column summarizes everything. Don't say you weren't warned.

Connie Cook Smith


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