Connie's Comments

Incisive observations on political, cultural, and spiritual topics, based on personal commitment to accuracy and honesty.
  April 2003 June 2003 October 2003 December 2003 January 2004 March 2004 May 2004 June 2004 September 2004 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 July 2006 August 2006 November 2006 December 2006 February 2007 April 2007 May 2007 August 2007 October 2007 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008
Friday, September 17, 2004

"Here's What's REALLY Happening to Dan Rather..."
by Connie Cook Smith

Do y'all remember a book that came out in 2000 about Bush using coke?

Suddenly, the publisher withdrew all the copies and burned them, because it was said the author of "Fortunate Son," Jim Hatfield, had a criminal record. Suddenly, all the widely circulating truth in 2000, about Bush using coke, was discredited.

Turns out, it was Bush's right-hand man, "Bush's Brain" Karl Rove -- the guy who Time Magazine quoted as ADMIRING a flag-waving stadium for Bush because "it looks just like a Nazi rally!" Yeah, that's the guy who runs Bush's operations -- it was Rove who TOLD author Hatfield that Bush used coke!

Why would the Bushman tell an author this truth? Because Rove KNEW that Hatfield had a mental disturbance ealier in his life and had threatened to kill someone. Rove KNEW that Hatfield "had a record," even though NOW (by 2000), he was a successful writer, with a loving wife and baby daughter.

But Rove knew the Bush's coke truth was a hazard, so he planted it in "damaged packaging." And when the package was brought down -- "Hatfield's criminal record" -- the truth about Bush's coke use went down with it. (And Hatfield was driven to suicide.)

Well, doesn't this SMELL EXACTLY LIKE what's happening to Dan Rather? Rather has been skewered for using false memos about Bush's desertion during his National Guard days. According to a Guard secretary, though, she says the information IS true -- she was there -- she knew her boss/Bush's commander was angry about being forced to "sugarcoat" Bush's shameful record. However, the papers in Dan Rather's hands were not the types of forms used then, obvious forgeries.

And so, once again -- deliberately serve up the awful truth about Bush in damaged packaging. When the packaging falls apart, the truth goes down with it.

Evil game-master that Karl Rove is, though, he didn't invent this. It's exactly what was done in the Jim Garrison trial regarding the JFK assassination. Garrison was SET UP with a witness who had Authentically Damning Information about the oilmen in Houston being guilty -- but then the witness "went bonkers" on the stand. Down went the truth with the discredited witness.

So this stuff isn't new. But the frequency with which this administration employs these tactics, and the ruination of countless lives because of it, makes me evermore determined to see that Bush/Cheney GOES TO THE JAIL HOUSE, NOT BACK TO THE WHITE HOUSE.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004
"What America Needs to Know"
by Connie Cook Smith

I've struggled with not wanting to speak ill of the dead, but to heck with it.

That Old Fart Ronald Reagan did so MUCH more harm than good that I think he ought to be hanged, post-mortem. His attitudes and illegal and treasonous activities caused so much death and suffering that the World Court even demanded the US pay many millions of dollars in reparations to the people of Nicaragua -- as only one example -- but that moral responsibility was just shrugged off.

The media ought to show Reagan's official, public, "oh-I'm-outraged" denial of what he did, just as frequently as they show Clinton's "I did not have sex with that woman." Clinton's denial was about a consensual affair. Reagan committed treason!

When there was a real threat of impeachment for Reagan in 1987, he obfuscated: "In my heart (I don't think we did that), but the facts show otherwise." Like a kid caught with a cookie in his hand, his devious mentality said, "In my heart I don't think I stole this cookie -- but the facts show otherwise."

And the American people let this go! If Reagan had been held accountable, then Bush I, Clinton, and Bush II wouldn't have felt so safe to commit THEIR crimes!

And how nice that Ronnie in his end-of-life Alzheimer's decline, was given luxurious, round-the-clock care, at home -- while the programs he and his political party LOVE TO CUT cause the LOVED ONES OF OTHERS to rot away and suffer in understaffed, state nursing homes. I know it's never wise to hate, but honestly, it's hard not to totally despise Ronald Reagan as a hypocritical old windbag

In keeping with the falseness of his "good image" -- AND the overall, monumental Republican deceptions -- I personally am convinced that Reagan's body has already been buried, due to the fact that in all the travels something could happen to it -- like maybe many bitter victims wanting to attack his remains.

So I personally believe he's already been buried. And that FOOLS --Americans who don't know or don't care about ALL THE HARM HE DID -- are lining up to worship an empty casket.

An empty casket is all too appropriate for the hollow image of goodness, the role-of-a-lifetime, that this professional actor played out upon the lives of millions of clueless AND victimized people.

In anger and sorrow,
Connie Cook Smith

Monday, May 17, 2004
by Connie Cook Smith
"What America Needs To Know"

The LA Times reports, "Bush was told of the prison abuses as early as last winter, presumably because administration and military officials considered it serious and wide-reaching."

I am one of many Americans who are not surprised that George W. Bush did nothing about it.

This goes back to when there was talk in 2000 that Dubya might run for president, and I "knew" that nobody would vote for HIM. It was clear from his conduct as Governor of Texas that this man lacked morality -- yet the American people SAID they now insisted on a president who exhibited morality.

Lacking morality? When Karla Faye Tucker was about to be executed and she begged for leniency, it was on record all over the media that Bush MOCKED HER WORDS IN A SING-SONG VOICE: "Please don't kill me." The issue is not whether a convicted killer should die. The issue is that Bush's attitude towards a condemned person was one of childish cruelty -- nothing near the level of maturity and ethics that we need in a leader.

When DNA evidence indicated that other condemned prisoners in Texas might actually be innocent, Bush allowed no process to explore these cases. With no interest in justice for possibly innocent people, he proceeded routinely -- and frequently -- with a record number of executions.

Isn't his unconcern over executing possibly innocent people a cold-blooded lack of humanity and morality?

The NY Times reports that the worst cases of prison abuse in the US have been "in Texas, whose prisons were under a federal consent decree during much of the time President Bush was governor, because of violence by guards against inmates. Judge William Wayne Justice imposed the decree (this should've gotten Bush's attention as Governor) after finding that guards were allowing gang leaders to buy and sell other inmates as slaves for sex..."

So Bush had a bad record when it comes to such human rights issues. And isn't absence of concern for human rights a clear indication of lack of basic morality and common decency?

Add to this the hatred he and his gang stirred up in Americans with his false statements of connections between Iraq and 9/11. Look up Rep. Henry Waxman's congressional report on their "237 misleading statements on Iraq, in 125 public appearances."

Further, when you consider Bush's disrespect for the Geneva Conventions as mere "legalisms" -- while Rumsfeld said LAST YEAR that erupting humanitarian concerns were just "hyperventilation" -- then what you have are men who are no doubt guilty of war crimes against humanity.

Have soldiers felt justified in torturing Iraqis because of their leaders' lies about Iraq being guilty of involvement in 9/11, and in keeping with high-level disregard for basic codes of conduct?

In particular, more will be coming out about George W. Bush and his family, who have been selling arms to both sides of conflicts for four generations. Coffins for our soldiers. Coffers for themselves. Moral depravity to the level of treason. Reported sexual depravity all too typical of their multi-generational Skull and Bones affiliation. (Which is one of the reasons I do not support John Kerry, who is also a member of this kinky and power-mad cult.)

It is no wonder we are seeing such horrific photos coming out. I'd say they are accurate reflections of the criminal and immoral consciousness of George W. Bush, his equally law-flouting gang, and his squalid family history.

Worse, it will probably be proven that Nicholas Berg was brutally beheaded by disguised US agents, in order to cruelly psych-out the public -- in order to shift attention off the Bush atrocities and onto a (deliberately staged) murder to popularize an idea that "Iraqi crimes are worse than American crimes." But everyone seems to be noticing that Berg was wearing the orange jumpsuit of US detention, which means that he was in US custody when he was killed.

In conclusion, take a moment and imagine: What would our world and our nation be like right now if our government had respected the will of the people, the millions of people who tried to stop this blood-and-treasure disaster, the invasion of Iraq. Some historians, even some generals, are already calling it the biggest foreign policy blunder in history.

None of this ever should have happened, including 9/11. Americans had an obligation to know that Bushes have been guilty of manipulating this nation into Bush-and-gang war profits and personal power for generations, that they have NEVER been moral.

Connie Cook Smith See links to documentation below.

For Bush family criminal history:

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

"What America Needs to Know"

by Connie Cook Smith

When I published the previous blog and sent it around, all hell broke loose.

Below, I detail exactly what happened. But first -- wanna know what I wrote that caused me to come under cyber-attack?

I notified my list about my blog, in which I warned that John Kerry and George Bush are "blood brothers" in the death-worshiping Skull and Bones cult, and that the right-wing will continue to rule America and wreck the world if EITHER Bush or Kerry wins the election this fall. Apparently, this hit a nerve with Somebody. You will agree, when you read what happened.

But of primary importance is WHY I wrote that. It's because I believe Kerry and Bush are ultimately required to be loyal to the Skull and Bones' pathological Master Race agenda -- which is utterly opposed to American ideals and hostile to the well-being of the American people.

How interesting there occurred the media assassination of front-runner Howard Dean in Iowa and the concomitant media elevation of John Kerry. It blew my mind how the American public turned accordingly, looking like a mindless school of fish.

Wesley Clark dropped out then and endorsed Kerry. This adds weight to my guess that Clark, a Republican, "suddenly became a Democrat" only because Skull-and-Bones-approved insider Kerry was getting trounced by authentic-Democrat Dean.

With Kerry the Bonesman now firmly in place, Jay Leno observed that Clark can go back to his normal life -- as a Republican.


As I have documented in my lecture-on-CD, "September 11th, A Somber Awakening," and elsewhere, it was right-wing Americans such as Prescott Bush and his (you guessed it!) Skull and Bones partners who lavishly funded the rise of Hitler, because Bonesmen agree with the Master Race dogma. It's not necessarily anti-Jewish -- it's mostly anti-poor, sick, disadvantaged. It's pro-elite. It's outright anti-freedom, anti-equality for all.

For example, I've published previously how George Bush Sr, also a Bonesman, went on record in Congress on September 4, 1969: He sponsored race scientists' testimony that African-Americans were "down-breeding the quality of the US population." He wanted a government birth control program specifically to reduce the number of blacks.

Bush Jr may LOOK LIKE he does not follow the family pattern of regarding blacks as inferior race-polluters, what with his appointments of Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice. But keep in mind that Dubya is also a Bonesman, like his Hitler-funding grandpa and his "racial down-breeding" father. How fun to actually GET corrupt African-Americans like Rice and Powell to work for him! Some high-class blacks apparently are willing to work with high-class whites, while the poor of either or any race are increasingly treated with contempt.

Harry Belafonte went so far as to call his fellow African-Americans Rice and Powell "house slaves" -- and an even more derogatory term. He said this because Rice and Powell willingly work for the Master of the (White) House -- who is from a Skull and Bones family -- which practices Master Race beliefs.

Back to WWII: When Hitler foolishly defied his American money-men late in the war and came up with some battle decisions of his own, it wasn't long before the right-wingers in the U.S. Navy came up with an 8-point plan (read "Day of Deceit" by Robert Stinnett) to PROVOKE the Japanese to kill 3,000 Americans at Pearl Harbor -- to manipulate this country INTO the war -- war against "those inferior Japs" -- and of course against their boy Adolf, who had gotten out of control. (Also, to "get in on" divvying up the spoils in Europe after WWII.)

It was right-wing Americans who wanted President Kennedy to authorize "Operation Northwoods," a plan "to crash airliners" and to implement "domestic terrorism in America" -- for the purpose of blaming Castro and justifying an all-out invasion of Cuba. That was March 13, 1962 -- whereupon Kennedy told them to take a hike.

The year before, these same elements had covertly invaded Cuba. When Kennedy refused to support that renegade operation with air cover, it became the disastrous Bay of Pigs.

Then in 1963, JFK rescinded the tax breaks for the right-wingers' oil companies, including George Bush Sr's Zapata Petroleum. Not long after all this uppity non-compliance with right -wing Americans, JFK's head was blown off.

It was right-wing Americans who totally fabricated Gulf of Tonkin reports of "Viet Cong attacks on US Navy ships," in order to manipulate Americans into agreeing to official war in Vietnam. History has proven that was an all-out American/Vietnamese tragedy for no good reason, other than right-wing criminal conquest and drug profits in that region, known as The Golden Triangle.

It was right-winger George Bush Sr who barely escaped consequences from the October Surprise and Iran-Contra crimes of the 1980's. In 1990, it was he who displayed military satellite photos of "Iraqi tanks amassing on the border of Saudi Arabia"-- in order to manipulate Americans into the Gulf War -- for right-wingers' power and profits once again. But commercial satellites showed NO such Iraqi tanks lined up against the Saudis.

Then, as now, Iraq was no threat to America -- yet Bush I and Bush II cynically conned this nation into expansions of right-wing war profits and powers both times.

And now, as thousands of 9/11 researchers know, as lawsuits are going forward to reveal, there is overwhelming evidence that many of these same key players -- who have been polluting the halls of power for decades (plus their vile, next-generation minions) -- VERY MUCH WANTED another Pearl Harbor-style sneak-attack, such as they have SUCCEEDED WITH before. They WANTED the atrocities of September 11th in order to yank America's chain yet again, to force decent Americans to be their attack-trained dogs of war.

I used to not believe in evil. I used to think that bad people were just ignorant or misguided. But after finding and verifying all this evidence of cold-blooded deception and betrayal of America -- by those who are profiting from it most -- I now concede that evil is real, and it is running our country and wrecking the world.

These guys want a nebulous, never-ending, constantly funded, constantly profitable (for them) WAR -- all over the world -- which strategically places our military being USED for conquest of global resources everywhere.

While also, in the name of "homeland security," they are shredding the Constitution and the Bill of Rights -- crushing your rights to the SAFETY of free speech (dissent) and fair trials. The ill-treatment of protesters, the lengthy detainments of people -- without charges and without lawyers -- the secret military tribunals instead of open courts -- are proof enough of that.

Isn't it tragic that JFK didn't catch on soon enough to the truth of his own words? He said, "Things don't just happen. Things are made to happen." Isn't it tragic that people aren't catching on today? The Skull-and-Bones, Master-Race monsters have been "making things happen" for an awful long time, and the American people continue to accommodate their evil agenda.


AOL wasn't even my server, but here's what happened:

First, when I sent out my info on Kerry being a Bonesman, all mail I sent to people who use AOL bounced back to me! The message said it was "due to a high number of complaints about the URL in my e-mail" -- in other words, complaints about this blog and its contents.

When I checked with those on my list who use AOL, I found none who had complained. In fact, they were angry that AOL arbitrarily "protected" them from receiving my column.

When AOL users complained to the company or even switched to another server, AOL apparently struck back at me. I say that because of what happened next.

Before, they wouldn't deliver to their customers only the mail that contained my blog address. Suddenly, they were blocking EVERY e-mail I sent to their customers, whether it contained my blog address or not. Basically, I could get nothing through to my friends and correspondents who use AOL -- and I have the print-outs to prove it.

Next, MY COMPUTER BECAME FLOODED WITH SO MANY AOL POP-UP ADS THAT I COULDN'T WORK! So I shut down my system and re-formatted the hard drive. Since I back up frequently and have two other computers, I experienced no losses. But it's an outright terrorizing thing to have my monitor wildly flashing so many AOL ads that doing my work was impossible. This IS terrorism.

I immediately notified authorities of AOL's criminal behavior, including a very high-ranking official in the State of Illinois whose campaign I worked for, and a local state's attorney who is a friend of mine. Further, I informed two area newspaper editors who frequently publish me, and one Chicago reporter -- all of whom said to be sure and let them know if I am harassed again.

After hearing about my experience, one person wrote me that he suffered much worse when he published political thoughts that AOL apparently didn't agree with. Because this man was their customer (which I was not), they could apparently use his e-mail account. The upshot was, he said -- and I have print-outs and copies of this message as well -- that his entire address book received p o r n featuring children and animals, something this person would NEVER THINK OF sending to his list!

Naturally, he was then lambasted with hatred and threats of lawsuits from the recipients, even though he had sent them no such thing. I have forwarded this man's story as well to the authorities and to my friends in various media.

Update 2/25/04: all this was a month ago. But a school-chum of mine who uses AOL called me last night and asked why I haven't been sending any political pieces (she received some jokes I sent, but no political pieces). I thanked her for the feedback, telling her that I had indeed sent my political writings to her -- and how amazing that AOL is apparently being SELECTIVE about what gets through to her!

The last straw for her was even though AOL "allowed" her to receive a non-political message from me, after she wrote back to me and hit "reply" to my address, she was then denied the ability to open any other e-mail, and she had to shut down. She said to me, "I feel like I'm living in a terrorist country." To say the least, she is shopping for a new ISP.

I have beside me right now a letter from the Illinois Attorney General acknowledging receipt of my documents which prove AOL's criminal activities. I'M HEARING THERE WILL PROBABLY BE A HUGE CLASS-ACTION SUIT AGAINST AOL FOR MULTIPLE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, and I may wait and join that. I know quite a few people besides myself now who are collecting documentation on what AOL is doing.

But if I am harassed in any way again before that opportunity occurs, I (and probably others) won't delay direct legal action -- and widespread publication -- against the juvenile but vicious (and prosecutable!) terror-tactics of AOL.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

"What America Needs to Know"

by Connie Cook Smith

Given that John Kerry and Bush Sr and Bush Jr are all initiates into the depraved and sickening world-view of the Skull and Bones tomb-cult at Yale, here's my reaction to the "win" in Iowa:



I personally am convinced the Powers That Be are finding Dubya to be a liability, and among other criminal activities are stacking the election so that even if they lose, they win. Kerry's Skull and Bones credentials are "impeccable" by their standards. He will be Bush-Lite, and not too lite at that.

And I strongly suspect that the Republican Wesley Clark -- who suddenly "became a Democrat" and suddenly plunged into the race -- did so only because they never expected Howard Dean, a genuine Democrat, to be running circles around Kerry.

Dubya is getting too unpopular, and people are getting too down on Republicans. So a Democratic win -- AS LONG AS IT'S KERRY OR CLARK -- will be just fine with the neocon crowd that's now ruining America and wrecking the world.

Outsourcing jobs, protecting immoral corporations' pollution and off-shore tax scams, allowing search-and-seizures without warrants, holding secret tribunals instead of open courts, taking away hard-workers' overtime and retirement funds, destroying social programs, maintaining over 700 military bases overseas in order to eventually invade more and more countries -- basically, hemorrhaging America to death -- and all on purpose!

What better ways to demoralize and control people? When James Angleton retired from the CIA, he bitterly commented that the forces behind US policy have nothing to do with "freedom" and "democracy" -- that they only want "absolute power."

And who are "they?" Look no further than the new book, "American Dynasty" by Kevin Phillips, a life-long moderate Republican who now is exposing the multi-generational and treasonous crimes committed for decades by the Bush family.

Gandhi said that "non-cooperation with evil is a sacred duty." I suggest that we start non-cooperating!

Connie Cook Smith

Thursday, January 08, 2004

"What America Needs to Know"

by Connie Cook Smith

Manchester NH's newspaper The Union Leader ran an editorial on January 6th which claims:

"the crackpots... are sponsoring political ads that compare Bush to Hitler."

To which I say, "Hey, just whose pot is cracked?!" How appalling that a newspaper doesn't know much about current politics or recent history!

Here's the letter-to-editor I submitted to them:


On October 17, 2003, the CNN crawl and several national newscasts featured the facts that President Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush, was indicted by Congress in 1942 and his assets seized due to his bank's financing of Adolf Hitler. These facts are unarguable.

Another unarguable fact is that George Bush Sr., when he was a congressman, sponsored testimony by race scientists William Shockley and Arthur Jensen, who proposed a US government program of birth control for African-Americans, because blacks were "down-breeding the quality of the U.S. population." (Congressional Record, September 4, 1969)

Another unarguable fact is that the Bushes are members of the Skull and Bones cult at Yale. If researchers on this group are to be believed, these so-called elite -- who are found in all the halls of power -- believe in the superiority of themselves and the inferiority of all others. Does that, or does that not, smack of "master-race" fantasies?

Now we have George W. Bush's arrogant behavior, such as rolling into Iraq on the basis of lies that Iraq was a threat to America, just as Hitler rolled over Poland on the basis of lies that Poland was a threat to Germany.

And there are Bush's tyrannical remarks, such as to Bob Woodward in "Bush at War" : "I do not need to explain why I say things...Somebody needs to explain to me why they say something, but I don't feel like I owe anybody an explanation."

In America right now we are seeing a repeat of exactly how Hitler rose to power. Random House Encyclopedia attributes the rise of fascism in Germany to "intense nationalism, aggressive foreign policy, frightened middle class and conservative elements, corrupt corporations."

Bush may not be as eloquent as Hitler. But in terms of family background, personal attitude, and social conditions now, it is highly appropriate to make comparisons between the two.

Connie Cook Smith


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